Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I had a long chat with mum & sis...being updated as to what's happening at home, the usual stuff (good & bad) but we started talking finding a 'good' boyfriend for my sis.

My mum passed this comment "Not all 'a
h-men' (means Christian in carol-mum's language) are friend such and such, blah blah..."

why all 'carnal' Christians are my mum's acquaintances? Where's the rest??? I do agree that not all so call 'Christian' are good
but ones who love, know, follow & fear the LORD are 'different'.

I seem to be unable to communicate effectively what i wanna say to my mum, especially when it comes to religious topic. I need to brush up my mandarin! There's so many misconceptions she had on being a Christian...

I just gotta keep praying that a divine appointment - a true follower of Christ, will ring my family's doorbell.

'taste and see that the LORD is good..." Psalm 34:8

those who give God a chance will taste & see God's goodness! I guarantee and testify to that!!! Christianity is not a religion but relationship with GOD. I used to be mere religion, there's never a relationship...we never taught to call Buddha our friend.

hopefully, one day they will see the truth & experience the freedom...

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